Terrifying Simulation Reveals What Happens To Your Body If A Whale Swallows You

Terrifying Simulation Reveals What Happens To Your Body If A Whale Swallows You

Great, here’s another reason to be afraid of the vast ocean. 

A new simulation has shown what would happen if you were unlucky enough to be swallowed whole by a sperm whale.

Usually, when it comes to the ocean, besides fearing mythical creatures like Cthulhu, most people worry about animals like sharks.

That makes sense. 

Who wants to be dragged beneath the waves and torn apart, or even just have a few chunks bitten off?

But if you’re compiling a list of irrational fears, a simulation of what happens when you’re swallowed by a sperm whale might be a strong contender.

Sure, running into a sperm whale – a creature found in deep oceans from the equator to the icy edges of the Arctic and Antarctica while you’re swimming is pretty unlikely. 

Still, it’s probably good to be prepared, right?

If you’re unfortunate enough to be swallowed by this ocean giant, it would likely spell a pretty grim end for you.

A video showing this simulation was shared on the Zackdfilms YouTube channel and has got people swearing to stay out of the ocean for the foreseeable future. 


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